Nick Barber
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Nicks Game Dev Blog

Unsorted ramblings about things I do

Nick Barber Game Dev

Binary Trees




Binary Trees was a small scale project focused on experimenting with L-systems and procedural generation. Below is an example of how the L-system trees grow. The trees are drawn by writing pixel by pixel to a texture. Due to the pixel style this was not much of a problem, but if scaling this project up I would likely utilize compute shaders.


Each system contains no randomized elements, they use a simple rule system which is represented only with a small "seed" code, which is treated as their genetic code and will always result in the same tree shape. Trees can be bred together to create a seed with a combination of both of their seed codes. My favorite part of this project is the ability to cut off certain branches and pick them up. This would ideally allow the players to cut off infected branches before they spread to the entire tree, or make cuttings of a tree to mix its seed code with another. Players can also cut branches just to make the tree look more appealing.


Some trees grow fruits, which are represented in the trees seed code. This code defines the shape, color, and flavor attributes such as bitterness. When two fruit trees are bred together, the produced fruit will likely have a mix of attributes of its parent trees.



I created a short video series describing the game and my process with it, but have since moved on to other projects.

Future work

I intend to revisit this concept once I have the time. I realy like it as a unique idea and have many more concepts I would like to add. Ideally I would like to create a more polished project and release this as a fully realized game.

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